New marina Saba


March 1, 2024

New marina Saba

During the first centuries of settlement on Saba, the only way for people and goods to reach the island was the dangerous Ladder Bay. The ships anchored there, after which the passengers had to climb 800 meters up The Ladder, a steep stone staircase. Today it can still be climbed as a tourist attraction.

In the meantime, Fort Bay was nothing more than a bay where fishing and shipbuilding took place on a small scale. A small jetty was first built here in 1934, but it was not until 1970 that the Dutch government gave permission to build a full-fledged pier, constructed from caissons and covered with rough stones. The pier was put into use in 1972, beginning Fort Bay’s history as a full-fledged port.

However, Fort Bay only has two piers, the large jetty is reserved for cargo ships and the smaller one is mainly used by diving boats and fishermen. This means there is no room for pleasure boats and large yachts, which means they have to anchor outside the harbor if they want to visit the island.

It is therefore clear that the arrival of a second, new marina is welcomed from many quarters. Thanks to the ample budget of more than 50 million dollars that the Netherlands and Europe have made available for this purpose, construction of the marina will start in July, after which the first private yachts from surrounding islands will be able to moor at this pearl of the Caribbean in 2025. All this will also give a major boost to Saba’s economy.

Fort Bay will be retained as a functional harbor, which will soon allow you to stroll to your heart’s content on the beautiful quays of this new marina, which will be equipped with cozy restaurants and nice shops.

Fort Bay in 1947

The Ladder

New Marina next to Fort Bay
